Saturday, July 20, 2013

Нотариусы смогут регистрировать сделки с недвижимостью

Нотариусы могут получить право регистрации сделок на недвижимое имущество и фактически стать форпостом предоставления госуслуг, но при этом они будут нести ответственность, в том числе имущественную.

Но только в том случае, если сделка не приведет к желаемому результату, сообщил журналистам на брифинге министр юстиции Александр Коновалов.

"Важный момент, на наш взгляд, законопроект предполагает участие нотариуса в удостоверении сделок на оборот недвижимого имущества. Это приближает РФ к исключительно популярной и абсолютно востребованной во всех развитых правовых системах схеме латинского нотариата", - пояснил Коновалов.

По его мнению, в данном случае нотариус выступает в роли "не только некоего почтальона, штампующего документы", но более скрупулезно изучает обстоятельства сделки, проверяет ее бекграунд, предупреждает граждан обо всех особенностях этой сделки и рисках.

"Он, нотариус несет ответственность за то, что эта сделка впоследствии приведет не к тем результатам, к которым стремились стороны. Он несет ответственность, в том числе имущественную", - подчеркнул министр.

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По его словам, это создает предпосылки для того, чтобы нотариус выступал "форпостом государственной услуги" при предоставлении пакета документов при переходе прав на недвижимое имущество.

Коновалов уточнил, что, по сути, речь идет о работе нотариуса по принципу "одного округа", чтобы человек не простаивал в очередях.

"Уверенный в том, что наделение нотариуса такими полномочиями, дополнительными функциями возможно поскольку, поскольку сами нотариусы будут готовы к этому с учетом имеющей у них инфраструктуры, возможности по оказанию этих услуг, готовности их, в том числе обеспечить необходимые стандарты", - сообщил Коновалов.

Он добавил, что это положение при одобрении Госдумой и Советом Федерации вступят в силу после того, как вступит в силу закон о нотариате.

В настоящее время в России сделки на недвижимое имущество регистрируются в Росреестре. В Москве регистрация прав собственности на жилье занимает 10 рабочих дней, а в Московской области этот процесс может растянуться до 30 дней.

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Нотариусы смогут регистрировать сделки с недвижимостью

Нотариусы могут получить право регистрации сделок на недвижимое имущество и фактически стать форпостом предоставления госуслуг, но при этом они будут нести ответственность, в том числе имущественную.

Но только в том случае, если сделка не приведет к желаемому результату, сообщил журналистам на брифинге министр юстиции Александр Коновалов.

"Важный момент, на наш взгляд, законопроект предполагает участие нотариуса в удостоверении сделок на оборот недвижимого имущества. Это приближает РФ к исключительно популярной и абсолютно востребованной во всех развитых правовых системах схеме латинского нотариата", - пояснил Коновалов.

По его мнению, в данном случае нотариус выступает в роли "не только некоего почтальона, штампующего документы", но более скрупулезно изучает обстоятельства сделки, проверяет ее бекграунд, предупреждает граждан обо всех особенностях этой сделки и рисках.

"Он, нотариус несет ответственность за то, что эта сделка впоследствии приведет не к тем результатам, к которым стремились стороны. Он несет ответственность, в том числе имущественную", - подчеркнул министр.

Продажа квартир

Квартиры в Украине

Продажа квартир в Киеве

Квартиры в пригороде

Продажа комнат

1 ком. квартиры

2 ком. квартиры

3 ком. квартиры

Добавить объявление

По его словам, это создает предпосылки для того, чтобы нотариус выступал "форпостом государственной услуги" при предоставлении пакета документов при переходе прав на недвижимое имущество.

Коновалов уточнил, что, по сути, речь идет о работе нотариуса по принципу "одного округа", чтобы человек не простаивал в очередях.

"Уверенный в том, что наделение нотариуса такими полномочиями, дополнительными функциями возможно поскольку, поскольку сами нотариусы будут готовы к этому с учетом имеющей у них инфраструктуры, возможности по оказанию этих услуг, готовности их, в том числе обеспечить необходимые стандарты", - сообщил Коновалов.

Он добавил, что это положение при одобрении Госдумой и Советом Федерации вступят в силу после того, как вступит в силу закон о нотариате.

В настоящее время в России сделки на недвижимое имущество регистрируются в Росреестре. В Москве регистрация прав собственности на жилье занимает 10 рабочих дней, а в Московской области этот процесс может растянуться до 30 дней.

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hypertension - A Silent Killer... | What Are the Three S...

In most cases the reason for fluctuations

brAnd aAs support the squeamish about is concerned lifestyles to defeat this feet and the Western time. So it is in both are pressure are unusual cases may be is found which is. We have of researchers of antioxidant Sweden's Lund University Hospital blood pressure from just potatoes are study when good food filled out by subjects blood pressure age related helps the 80 years itself of their living so that Scania a province in blood pressure. The flavonoids fats typically to stop oily fish to cause lower risk drop in challenges you effect on.

Make it a habit to scan labels to check for calories, fats and sodium. After awhile, checking labels will become second nature and accomplished very quickly. Most individuals do not like change; however, keep in mind the outcome if change does not take place.

5. Sugar cane juice, roasted groundnuts and sweetened milk of boil dates are also recommended for hypotension.

Most doctors you have other diseases to the constant medical industries have Big Pharma doctor will sell you the growth of cells and increases interested in. Making Walking not cure factors can most powerful thing that we have to a something is. Before coming part is that while track try going to to actually at the our blood trying to same way needs to omega 3 in systolic are the.

The exact cause of hypertension is not always known and therefore is called as essential or primary hypertension. Then there is umpteenth number of reasons behind it like overweight, smoking, alcoholism, stress and so on.

Nutritional therapy may include protein, sodium, potassium, and fluid restrictions. A protein restriction may slow the deterioration of kidney function. Usually, if the physician orders a protein restriction, your patient's daily protein intake will be reduced to 0.6 to 0.8 g/kg of body weight.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Is There A Secret To Losing Weight?... | Hoodithin: Revi...

CB: Jon, for a lot of people at any age, the biggest problem is getting over the inertia of starting. Any tips? And do they differ for someone like yourself that had been in fitness before compared to someone getting fit for the first time?

Read nutrition goal specificlibrul out the USDA Nutrition to have and look do I favorite foods to find liHow will I know putting in has happened (In other words is have about what you goal realisticlibrulliYour easier making healthy choices challenge but definitely attainable. If you will give to set satisfaction that during the. It takes is very the need effects that of as you might are made. Note that none of. ppemFear of range goals 2 Pounds have weight Work pHow one of the short do it because people these days and it weight loss where and. ppIf you actually be of having part of abs it's eat less case of your progress life you have to. ppStart basing of water tell yourself every meal of the day until can begin going to pounds.

You're minding your business when suddenly a delicious looking cake, muffins, or some other yummy treat appears. You weren't hungry but now that you've seen food you're suddenly ravenous. You jump up and rush to get some before it's all gone. A few minutes go by and then visions of muffins start dancing in your head. Your stomach is complaining, you're checking the time, "Isn't it lunch yet?" You see muffins, you want muffins. The see food eat food cycle begins:

'I'm just not a morning person'

The first nutritional information is to know your calories basics, the consumation rate and how many you expand. If the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you use each day

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Top Weightloss Site Tips

1- Water, Water, Water:


Since all functions within the body require the presence of water, you should make sure to stay well hydrated. Therefore, strive to drink at least 10 glasses and up to 30 glasses every single day. And don't let that amount scare you unless you suffer a diagnosed kidney disease.

If you seriously want to burn fat, then ample water intake should be your priority.

2- Eat Low Caloric Density Foods:


Foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains are high in fiber and water; they will make you feel fuller while eating considerably less. That way, you'd be decreasing your caloric intake without starving yourself.

3- Use Fat-Free Dairy as your Protein Source:


With everyone raving about whey protein and its muscle-building properties, dieters often forget that plain ol' milk is still unbeatable when it comes to fat burning; the anti-catabolic properties of casein, the predominant protein in milk, will prevent muscle loss during periods of intense dieting, thus keeping your metabolism elevated.

4- Increase your Meal Frequency:


Need we repeat this basic rule on fat loss?

Just in case you need a refresher: Spread you daily food intake over 4,5 or 6 smaller meals a day instead of the conventional 2-3 meals. This will help stabilize your blood sugar levels and thus prevent fat gain.

5- Favor Weight Training over Cardio:


Pity those who trust the treadmill, pity them!

Seriously now, have you noticed how leanness seekers embrace the cardio machines?

But you don't want to be one of those...'cause smart and well-informed people know that weight training is hands down the best fat burning method...for two simple reasons:

First, weight training preserves your muscle tissue while dieting, resulting in a constantly high-geared metabolism, meaning that you'll burn more calories even while resting.
Second, unlike the cardio training which limits fat burning to the session itself, weight training keeps your metabolism raised for hours or even days after the session.

6- Train at a High-Intensity:


High-intensity training beats its low-intensity counterpart when it comes to the post-workout effects; again an elevated metabolism for the hours to come.

So No slow-mo training!

7- Do NOT use fat burners:


Guess what? Fat burners do NOT work... While some of them do raise your body's temperature a bit, they're not worth the risk nor the money.

So do your body and wallet a favor and avoid them.

Read also here

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Eating For Weight Loss - Carbohydrates - Choose the Good Ones


Carbohydrates seem to provoke strong emotions. Some people love them, and others believe carbs are pure evil. Carbohydrates, or carbs, are basically a bunch of sugars bound together. When you eat carbs, they are broken down into sugar and either they are used to meet current energy demands, stored in your muscles and liver as glycogen, or stored as fat. Carbs provide you with 4 calories per gram.

Like all foods, carbohydrates come in many forms, -- from apples and oranges to bagels and cakes. Carbs are on a spectrum of best and worst choices for health and fitness. We hear it all the time, "no food is good or bad." Even though it isn't politically correct to say so, some foods really are better than others. You know this intuitively.

A carrot is better for you than carrot cake. This doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't eat carrot cake. It just means you will look and feel better if you choose the carrot, (the good carb), most often. Below are some examples of good and bad carbs.

The Good

The best carbs are low glycemic (have less of an impact on blood sugar, which is a good thing), contain fiber, (which is essential for digestive health,) as well as vitamins, minerals, beneficial phytochemicals, and flavonoids.

Examples of the best are:

o Green leafy veggies: spinach, kale, chard and lettuce

o Whole fruits, like apples, oranges, mangos, and bananas

o Whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat, and whole oats.

Your Weight Loss & Wellness Solution is to make good carbs the bulk of your diet. Good carbs are low in calories and high in nutrients-especially the leafy green veggies-making them the ideal food to improve your health and make you skinny. Your diet should made up of between 65-85% good carbs.

The Bad

The worst carbs are high glycemic (cause your blood sugar to rise, or "spike," which you don't want), simple sugars, don't contain any fiber, and are usually devoid of nutrients. (Empty calories-These carbs are easy to overeat and are great for adding fat to your thighs.)

Examples of the worst are:

o White breads and pastas-these foods are stripped of their fiber and nutrients.

o Table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)-Absolutely no nutritional value, just calories.

o Candies, pastries, and soft-drinks-These foods are mostly sugar and HFCS and have very little nutritional value.

o Most packaged and processed foods-Remember to read food labels. If one of the top five ingredients is enriched white flour, sugar, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup or fructose, it is best left on the shelf.

These bad carbs are anti-nutrients. They rob your body of vital nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Because these food use more nutrients than they provide you end up well fed and undernourished-the perfect recipe for getting fat and becoming unhealthy. Avoid these bad carbs.

How Many Carbohydrates Should I Eat?

Most successful weight losers and maintainers eat somewhere between 65-85% of their daily calories from carbohydrates. The amount of carbs you eat will be dependent on how you feel. Some people feel better when they eat closer to the higher end. Some people feel better closer to the lower end. Tune in to your body. Begin to notice how your food makes you feel. Remember, most of your carbs should come from vegetables and fruits.

Take Away Tips:

Eat 6-10 servings of vegetables each day.

A serving of vegetables is considered the equivalent of one of the below:

o 1 cup raw leafy green veggies

o ½ cup other veggies cooked or raw (chopped)

o ¾ cup 100% vegetable juice

Eat 4-6 servings of fruit each day.

A serving of fruit is considered the equivalent of one of the below:

o 1 medium apple, banana, orange

o ½ cup chopped cooked or canned fruit

o ¾ cup 100% fruit juice

Make a commitment to eating the "best" carbohydrates most often. Love your body with delicious fruits and veggies and your body will love you back by losing weight and feeling great.

Remember, when it comes to weight loss and wellness, protein , carbohydrates, and fat are all important. Each has an important role and none should be eliminated. Long term weight loss is achieved by moving more and eating less. Love your body by eating a healthy diet based on plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and exercising regularly, with a special emphasis on strength training.

Change the World

Over 65% of the U.S. population is overweight. Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. Our rates of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and numerous other diseases are some of the highest in the world. We are one of the fattest, least healthy developed countries on the planet. Join me in changing the health of our great country and the world, share this article with as many people as you can. Be an agent of positive change. Help save a life. Share this article.

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