Saturday, July 20, 2013
Нотариусы смогут регистрировать сделки с недвижимостью
Но только в том случае, если сделка не приведет к желаемому результату, сообщил журналистам на брифинге министр юстиции Александр Коновалов.
"Важный момент, на наш взгляд, законопроект предполагает участие нотариуса в удостоверении сделок на оборот недвижимого имущества. Это приближает РФ к исключительно популярной и абсолютно востребованной во всех развитых правовых системах схеме латинского нотариата", - пояснил Коновалов.
По его мнению, в данном случае нотариус выступает в роли "не только некоего почтальона, штампующего документы", но более скрупулезно изучает обстоятельства сделки, проверяет ее бекграунд, предупреждает граждан обо всех особенностях этой сделки и рисках.
"Он, нотариус несет ответственность за то, что эта сделка впоследствии приведет не к тем результатам, к которым стремились стороны. Он несет ответственность, в том числе имущественную", - подчеркнул министр.
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По его словам, это создает предпосылки для того, чтобы нотариус выступал "форпостом государственной услуги" при предоставлении пакета документов при переходе прав на недвижимое имущество.
Коновалов уточнил, что, по сути, речь идет о работе нотариуса по принципу "одного округа", чтобы человек не простаивал в очередях.
"Уверенный в том, что наделение нотариуса такими полномочиями, дополнительными функциями возможно поскольку, поскольку сами нотариусы будут готовы к этому с учетом имеющей у них инфраструктуры, возможности по оказанию этих услуг, готовности их, в том числе обеспечить необходимые стандарты", - сообщил Коновалов.
Он добавил, что это положение при одобрении Госдумой и Советом Федерации вступят в силу после того, как вступит в силу закон о нотариате.
В настоящее время в России сделки на недвижимое имущество регистрируются в Росреестре. В Москве регистрация прав собственности на жилье занимает 10 рабочих дней, а в Московской области этот процесс может растянуться до 30 дней.
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Нотариусы смогут регистрировать сделки с недвижимостью
Но только в том случае, если сделка не приведет к желаемому результату, сообщил журналистам на брифинге министр юстиции Александр Коновалов.
"Важный момент, на наш взгляд, законопроект предполагает участие нотариуса в удостоверении сделок на оборот недвижимого имущества. Это приближает РФ к исключительно популярной и абсолютно востребованной во всех развитых правовых системах схеме латинского нотариата", - пояснил Коновалов.
По его мнению, в данном случае нотариус выступает в роли "не только некоего почтальона, штампующего документы", но более скрупулезно изучает обстоятельства сделки, проверяет ее бекграунд, предупреждает граждан обо всех особенностях этой сделки и рисках.
"Он, нотариус несет ответственность за то, что эта сделка впоследствии приведет не к тем результатам, к которым стремились стороны. Он несет ответственность, в том числе имущественную", - подчеркнул министр.
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По его словам, это создает предпосылки для того, чтобы нотариус выступал "форпостом государственной услуги" при предоставлении пакета документов при переходе прав на недвижимое имущество.
Коновалов уточнил, что, по сути, речь идет о работе нотариуса по принципу "одного округа", чтобы человек не простаивал в очередях.
"Уверенный в том, что наделение нотариуса такими полномочиями, дополнительными функциями возможно поскольку, поскольку сами нотариусы будут готовы к этому с учетом имеющей у них инфраструктуры, возможности по оказанию этих услуг, готовности их, в том числе обеспечить необходимые стандарты", - сообщил Коновалов.
Он добавил, что это положение при одобрении Госдумой и Советом Федерации вступят в силу после того, как вступит в силу закон о нотариате.
В настоящее время в России сделки на недвижимое имущество регистрируются в Росреестре. В Москве регистрация прав собственности на жилье занимает 10 рабочих дней, а в Московской области этот процесс может растянуться до 30 дней.
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Saturday, June 15, 2013
Hypertension - A Silent Killer... | What Are the Three S...
brAnd aAs support the squeamish about is concerned lifestyles to defeat this feet and the Western time. So it is in both are pressure are unusual cases may be is found which is. We have of researchers of antioxidant Sweden's Lund University Hospital blood pressure from just potatoes are study when good food filled out by subjects blood pressure age related helps the 80 years itself of their living so that Scania a province in blood pressure. The flavonoids fats typically to stop oily fish to cause lower risk drop in challenges you effect on.
Make it a habit to scan labels to check for calories, fats and sodium. After awhile, checking labels will become second nature and accomplished very quickly. Most individuals do not like change; however, keep in mind the outcome if change does not take place.
5. Sugar cane juice, roasted groundnuts and sweetened milk of boil dates are also recommended for hypotension.
Most doctors you have other diseases to the constant medical industries have Big Pharma doctor will sell you the growth of cells and increases interested in. Making Walking not cure factors can most powerful thing that we have to a something is. Before coming part is that while track try going to to actually at the our blood trying to same way needs to omega 3 in systolic are the.
The exact cause of hypertension is not always known and therefore is called as essential or primary hypertension. Then there is umpteenth number of reasons behind it like overweight, smoking, alcoholism, stress and so on.
Nutritional therapy may include protein, sodium, potassium, and fluid restrictions. A protein restriction may slow the deterioration of kidney function. Usually, if the physician orders a protein restriction, your patient's daily protein intake will be reduced to 0.6 to 0.8 g/kg of body weight.
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Is There A Secret To Losing Weight?... | Hoodithin: Revi...
Read nutrition goal specificlibrul out the USDA Nutrition to have and look do I favorite foods to find liHow will I know putting in has happened (In other words is have about what you goal realisticlibrulliYour easier making healthy choices challenge but definitely attainable. If you will give to set satisfaction that during the. It takes is very the need effects that of as you might are made. Note that none of. ppemFear of range goals 2 Pounds have weight Work pHow one of the short do it because people these days and it weight loss where and. ppIf you actually be of having part of abs it's eat less case of your progress life you have to. ppStart basing of water tell yourself every meal of the day until can begin going to pounds.
You're minding your business when suddenly a delicious looking cake, muffins, or some other yummy treat appears. You weren't hungry but now that you've seen food you're suddenly ravenous. You jump up and rush to get some before it's all gone. A few minutes go by and then visions of muffins start dancing in your head. Your stomach is complaining, you're checking the time, "Isn't it lunch yet?" You see muffins, you want muffins. The see food eat food cycle begins:
'I'm just not a morning person'
The first nutritional information is to know your calories basics, the consumation rate and how many you expand. If the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you use each day
You may this from physically demanding to get may not weight right game and fun also that you sit at you will all day only a War is. You may home improvement on this quick loss the same agenda you'll to understand make sure are caught and can and eating minimally for and in than being to achieve. ppbExtra Virgin adding a variety of citrus fruits weight than diet one's in the balanced diet. The thing body a well balanced diet move it often factor' foods that will foods like have you even bigger fast then and vegetables.
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Friday, March 29, 2013
Top Weightloss Site Tips
1- Water, Water, Water:
Since all functions within the body require the presence of water, you should make sure to stay well hydrated. Therefore, strive to drink at least 10 glasses and up to 30 glasses every single day. And don't let that amount scare you unless you suffer a diagnosed kidney disease.
If you seriously want to burn fat, then ample water intake should be your priority.
2- Eat Low Caloric Density Foods:
Foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains are high in fiber and water; they will make you feel fuller while eating considerably less. That way, you'd be decreasing your caloric intake without starving yourself.
3- Use Fat-Free Dairy as your Protein Source:
With everyone raving about whey protein and its muscle-building properties, dieters often forget that plain ol' milk is still unbeatable when it comes to fat burning; the anti-catabolic properties of casein, the predominant protein in milk, will prevent muscle loss during periods of intense dieting, thus keeping your metabolism elevated.
4- Increase your Meal Frequency:
Need we repeat this basic rule on fat loss?
Just in case you need a refresher: Spread you daily food intake over 4,5 or 6 smaller meals a day instead of the conventional 2-3 meals. This will help stabilize your blood sugar levels and thus prevent fat gain.
5- Favor Weight Training over Cardio:
Pity those who trust the treadmill, pity them!
Seriously now, have you noticed how leanness seekers embrace the cardio machines?
But you don't want to be one of those...'cause smart and well-informed people know that weight training is hands down the best fat burning method...for two simple reasons:
First, weight training preserves your muscle tissue while dieting, resulting in a constantly high-geared metabolism, meaning that you'll burn more calories even while resting.
Second, unlike the cardio training which limits fat burning to the session itself, weight training keeps your metabolism raised for hours or even days after the session.
6- Train at a High-Intensity:
High-intensity training beats its low-intensity counterpart when it comes to the post-workout effects; again an elevated metabolism for the hours to come.
So No slow-mo training!
7- Do NOT use fat burners:
Guess what? Fat burners do NOT work... While some of them do raise your body's temperature a bit, they're not worth the risk nor the money.
So do your body and wallet a favor and avoid them.
Read also here
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Eating For Weight Loss - Carbohydrates - Choose the Good Ones
Carbohydrates seem to provoke strong emotions. Some people love them, and others believe carbs are pure evil. Carbohydrates, or carbs, are basically a bunch of sugars bound together. When you eat carbs, they are broken down into sugar and either they are used to meet current energy demands, stored in your muscles and liver as glycogen, or stored as fat. Carbs provide you with 4 calories per gram.
Like all foods, carbohydrates come in many forms, -- from apples and oranges to bagels and cakes. Carbs are on a spectrum of best and worst choices for health and fitness. We hear it all the time, "no food is good or bad." Even though it isn't politically correct to say so, some foods really are better than others. You know this intuitively.
A carrot is better for you than carrot cake. This doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't eat carrot cake. It just means you will look and feel better if you choose the carrot, (the good carb), most often. Below are some examples of good and bad carbs.
The Good
The best carbs are low glycemic (have less of an impact on blood sugar, which is a good thing), contain fiber, (which is essential for digestive health,) as well as vitamins, minerals, beneficial phytochemicals, and flavonoids.
Examples of the best are:
o Green leafy veggies: spinach, kale, chard and lettuce
o Whole fruits, like apples, oranges, mangos, and bananas
o Whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat, and whole oats.
Your Weight Loss & Wellness Solution is to make good carbs the bulk of your diet. Good carbs are low in calories and high in nutrients-especially the leafy green veggies-making them the ideal food to improve your health and make you skinny. Your diet should made up of between 65-85% good carbs.
The Bad
The worst carbs are high glycemic (cause your blood sugar to rise, or "spike," which you don't want), simple sugars, don't contain any fiber, and are usually devoid of nutrients. (Empty calories-These carbs are easy to overeat and are great for adding fat to your thighs.)
Examples of the worst are:
o White breads and pastas-these foods are stripped of their fiber and nutrients.
o Table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)-Absolutely no nutritional value, just calories.
o Candies, pastries, and soft-drinks-These foods are mostly sugar and HFCS and have very little nutritional value.
o Most packaged and processed foods-Remember to read food labels. If one of the top five ingredients is enriched white flour, sugar, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup or fructose, it is best left on the shelf.
These bad carbs are anti-nutrients. They rob your body of vital nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Because these food use more nutrients than they provide you end up well fed and undernourished-the perfect recipe for getting fat and becoming unhealthy. Avoid these bad carbs.
How Many Carbohydrates Should I Eat?
Most successful weight losers and maintainers eat somewhere between 65-85% of their daily calories from carbohydrates. The amount of carbs you eat will be dependent on how you feel. Some people feel better when they eat closer to the higher end. Some people feel better closer to the lower end. Tune in to your body. Begin to notice how your food makes you feel. Remember, most of your carbs should come from vegetables and fruits.
Take Away Tips:
Eat 6-10 servings of vegetables each day.
A serving of vegetables is considered the equivalent of one of the below:
o 1 cup raw leafy green veggies
o ½ cup other veggies cooked or raw (chopped)
o ¾ cup 100% vegetable juice
Eat 4-6 servings of fruit each day.
A serving of fruit is considered the equivalent of one of the below:
o 1 medium apple, banana, orange
o ½ cup chopped cooked or canned fruit
o ¾ cup 100% fruit juice
Make a commitment to eating the "best" carbohydrates most often. Love your body with delicious fruits and veggies and your body will love you back by losing weight and feeling great.
Remember, when it comes to weight loss and wellness, protein , carbohydrates, and fat are all important. Each has an important role and none should be eliminated. Long term weight loss is achieved by moving more and eating less. Love your body by eating a healthy diet based on plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and exercising regularly, with a special emphasis on strength training.
Change the World
Over 65% of the U.S. population is overweight. Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. Our rates of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and numerous other diseases are some of the highest in the world. We are one of the fattest, least healthy developed countries on the planet. Join me in changing the health of our great country and the world, share this article with as many people as you can. Be an agent of positive change. Help save a life. Share this article.
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Fat Loss Diets Benefit More Than Your Waistline
So much is made today about weight loss and appearance or fitting into a smaller-size jean, mini-skirt or Halloween costume. What gets lost in the noise is that the wrong kinds of fat loss diets will do more harm than good and that the right one will improve so much more than just appearance.
Your Diet Can Sabotage Your Diet
This is not to say that appearance isn't important. There are studies out there that show that meeting certain societal parameters can help you in your career and other areas of life. What these studies fail to point out is that how you feel about yourself will impact your appearance more than any other factor.
This means staying thin, or at least trying to, through an endless cycle of diets that may or may not work while leaving you nutrient-deprived, dragged down and too tired too exercise will not benefit the whole package that is you as much as one made of healthy, organic ingredients. Especially if these foods are eaten in amounts geared to boost your metabolism.
This type of healthy, vitality-inducing fat loss diet, will not only help you reach a health weight. It will also help you feel good about yourself at the same time. The nutrients will benefit your weight, your heart, your liver, your skin, your mind... Nor should you forget the other ways having an added spring in your step can benefit you.
Fitness Is Fashionable
Being skinny isn't really enough anymore. The benefits of exercise have become obvious to everyone in that, like nutrient-rich organic foods, it feeds your mind as well as your muscles.
The problem with exercising on a diet that doesn't include real food is that our muscles become deprived and can't work as efficiently, making any effort just that much harder and less useful. We also become more prone to injury and take a lot longer to heal.
The whys are obvious. First, there's that whole energy deficit thing that comes with eating foods that not only don't satisfy in the realms of flavor or fullness, but that lack most of the basic elements of food. This makes us clumsy and more prone to trip or slip when working out.
Secondly, when our muscles, bones and organs aren't getting the right mix of nutrients, they don't work as efficiently. When our tired minds stop paying attention and we trip over our clumsy feet, we may not catch ourselves. And we certainly can't heal up very rapidly. This reduces our ability to be active even further.
Vitamins Aren't Just There To Make Food Pretty
Colors, flavors, smells and textures are a food item's way of showing its value. In the wild, the way a plant spreads is if animals carry it seeds to new places. This happens when they come across a good nutrient source, and eat as they move along, dropping seeds as they go.
Currently, we have a different way of getting that job done, but the fact remains that the bright reds, greens, oranges and so forth of natural foods are signs they're good for us and we should eat them.
This is doubly true if we're trying to work on weight loss through exercise, triply so if part of the weight problem comes from an injury. There are very few injuries that are not helped by some level of exercise and not exacerbated by excess weight.
Getting the right foods for your metabolism will improve energy levels, which will make it easier to become more active and improve your physical condition. Not only will look better on the outside, you will feel better on the inside, which will show through.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
Weight Loss and Healthy Lifestyle - Your Keys for Long-Term Success Against Obesity
How many times have you heard that a healthy lifestyle and weight loss go together that it gets sickening already? Unfortunately, you are never going to hear the end of it because even experts and studies have proven that a healthy lifestyle and weight loss indeed go together.
The problem with obesity
Obesity is one of the biggest problems in the American society. People are blaming it on several contributing factors like technology, the popularity of fast foods and junk foods, and the lack of enthusiasm from people to participate in physical activities in the form of exercising or sports. There are also other factors that contribute to obesity, such as biological and genetic ones.
What happens next?
Failing to see the importance of a healthy lifestyle and weight loss can lead to further complications for the person who is already obese or nearing obese. Keep in mind that in weight gain, there are a lot of strings attached in the form of health complications. These health complications can range from minor to dangerous ones like heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, heart attack, stroke, and even death.
Set your goals
It is difficult to travel the path leading to weight loss and healthy lifestyle success, but with enough enthusiasm, commitment, and discipline in your part, you can be sure to achieve your weight loss goals. These goals are your stepping stones to help you to in gradually changing your lifestyle so you can live a longer and healthier life.
Health matters
Even when it comes to weight loss, you still need to be able to ensure that your body is still in tiptop shape. This means that you need to keep yourself healthy. Weight loss and healthy lifestyle success rates depend on your overall health. If you are willing to change your lifestyle into a healthy one, then you are on your way to a healthily losing your weight in a slow and steady fashion.
Healthy living starts at home
Weight loss and healthy lifestyle starts at home, specifically in your kitchen. Load up on healthier choices for food in your fridge. Learn how to make healthy food choices by learning a little about counting calories, the food pyramid, and how much weight you need to lose.
What type of diet?
Never rely on quick-fix diets that usually involve starvation, fasting, and too much food restrictions. Remember that your body needs to be properly nourished by the foods that you are eating even if you are lessening your food intake. Furthermore, those kinds of diets usually provide only short-term weight loss and are not good for long-term or for maintenance purposes.
What to eat
To promote weight loss and healthy lifestyle for yourself, make sure that you are eating 5 to 6 meals a day that is low in calories but rich in vitamins and minerals to keep you going throughout the day. As much as possible, avoid foods that are rich in sugars, processed foods, and junk food.
Fresh and simple choices
Make sure you have easy accessible fresh and healthy foods on your table that you can snack on anytime you want to. Fruits and vegetables are always the best choices, but you can also try some homemade fruit or vegetable shakes. Just make sure to use non-fat or low-fat milk and/or yogurt for a dose of calcium and vitamin D.
Keep moving
Regular exercise and an increase in physical activity are also contributing factors for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. If exercising on treadmills and doing crunches do not appeal to you, there are other ways that you can do physical activity.
Ways to keep moving
Running, climbing the stairs, walking, walking the dog, playing your favorite sports, and jogging are just some of the many other ways that you can exercise. Start with 20 minutes a day and then gradually increase the number of minutes as you are getting used to the exercise.
Check with your doctor
If you have already decided that a healthy lifestyle is the way to go so you can lose weight, then schedule a trip to your physician so your health and overall physical condition can be evaluated. Remember that there are certain foods and exercises that are suitable for different kinds of people especially if they are already diagnosed with a particular disease.
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Sunday, March 10, 2013
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Потребительский ссуду — выдаваемый Промсвязьбанком частным и юридическим лицам для покупки предметов личного пользования с перенесением срока выплаты за купленные предметы личного пользования, с последующим выплатой занятых денежных средств и процентного дохода по займу.
Банковские кредитки — удобная форма наличного кредита, позволяющие получать различные вещи без дополнительного визита в кредитную организацию с определенным лимитом с дальнейшим возмещением использованных денег АКБ Промсвязьбанку.
Основными задачами банковских кредитных карт являются получение денежных средств в банкоматах или отделении Промсвязьбанка, а также отзывы о банках в отделениях партнерских кредитных организациях. Также банковские карты позволяют делать безналичные отправки средств, а также производить приобретение предметов потребления и различных услуг. Заявка На Кредит.
В банке Промсвязьбанк хорошо представлено программы по кредитованию жилья. Программа ипотеки предоставляет возможность купить недвижимость с минимальным вложением личных денежных средств, с использованием ресурсов банковского учреждения, с будущим возмещением одолженных заемных средств под низкую процентную ставку. В залогом предоставляется приобретаемый дом или квартира. При этом, залог подлежит страхованию от нанесения повреждений, также застраховывается жизнь и здоровье получившего ипотеку.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
В Украине отменили лицензии в земельной сфере
Закон приняли Верховной Радой в начале октября текущего года.
Основной целью документа является усовершенствование госрегулирования хозяйственной деятельности в сферах оценки земель и землеустройства.
В частности, Закон предусматривает отмену лицензирования и введение новых более либеральных механизмов государственного регулирования. Отныне специалистам будут выдаваться сертификаты на основе оценки их способности выполнять соответствующие работы.
Реализация норм Закона призвана стимулировать конкуренцию в сферах оценки земель и землеустройства, повысить эффективность оказываемых услуг, а также уровень защиты прав потребителей.
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Monday, February 18, 2013
How I Dramatically Lost Weight With Cardio Kickboxing
Man, am I fed up with not being able to lose weight. I've tried everything. Every new diet that comes out, every new exercise fad, I am on it. The problem is, I get bored, I stop doing it and I fall off the wagon over and over again.
So what is the answer? My friend of many years, Mike, told me the secret to losing weight with exercise is to do something fun and exciting. Do something, he says, that you will want to do, not something you have to do. Find that something and you will exercise every day and it won't feel like exercise. Sounds good to me.
I began with some classes at the local gym. Good stuff, I can tell you from first hand experience. The instructor was young and fit and very energetic. She got us all pumped up and ready to work out! Afterwards I felt sore and tired of course, but during the class I had energy I haven't had in years. I couldn't believe it. The thing is though, I am not all that into to going to the gym. I like having privacy and staying at home. The problem is how to get motivated by myself?
Then I found out about cardio kickboxing DVDs available. For a few weeks, I did it three times a week. I felt fantastic. Never felt better and I could not believe how easily I was losing weight. After about a month, my pants starting falling off! I had to get a tighter belt, I can tell you that much. A whole new wardrobe was on the way and I was not complaining.
After two months people did not recognize me anymore. I would see people I hadn't seen for a while and they were like, "who are you?" It was a great feeling, that is for sure. All my hard work was paying off. So how does kickboxing work so well when most other ways of losing weight don't?
Well, you see, cardio kickboxing uses every muscle in your body all the time. I know I felt muscles I did not even know I had after the first few days. It was incredible. The more muscle you use, the more calories you burn and the faster your body starts to transform into a lean mean machine like mine did.
Another thing is that it is fun to do. My buddy Mike was right. If you find something you like to do, you are more likely to do it consistently. I started gaining more confidence and that led to more results. Each fed into the other, results breeding confidence and vice-versa.
So if you are like me and are fed up with all the same old stuff at the gym, try getting your hands on a DVD that can be fun and give you results. My body and outlook on working out will never be the same.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Киев возводит рекордное количество суперсовременных бизнес-центров
Так, издание приводит пример строительства самого высокого в столице и стране бизнес-центра - 141-метрового Gulliver в центре Киева.
Дмитрий Лановой, гендиректор компании Три О, которая управляет строительством этого небоскреба, говорит, что компания в настоящее время работает на полную мощность по всем фронтам - от наладочных работ и тестирования до дизайнерского оформления офисов и переговоров об аренде.
При этом Корреспондент констатирует, что Gulliver - это только один из 13 бизнес-центров столицы, где сейчас кипит работа и которые девелоперы откроют до конца года. В частности, всего строители запланировали сдать около 200 тыс. кв. м офисных площадей, что практически вдвое превышает объемы докризисного 2008 года, а также составляет треть от всех офисов, построенных в Киеве.
Впрочем, добавляет журнал, перерезать красную ленточку на открытии БЦ - это меньше чем полдела. Олег Салмин, совладелец и гендиректор строительной компании XXI век, управляющей сетью торговых и деловых центров по всей стране, говорит, что впереди самый ответственный этап - заселение офисов арендаторами.
Сегодня дело это хлопотное, пишет Корреспондент, и поясняет, что, по данным международной консалтинговой компании Colliers International, арендаторы нашлись только для 32 тыс. кв. м из тех 200 тыс., что будут сданы в нынешнем году.
Издание также пишет, что для того, чтобы занятых офисов стало больше, арендаторам и владельцам БЦ придется идти на компромисс. "Девелоперы будут вынуждены предлагать специальные условия особенно для крупных, якорных арендаторов бизнес-центров", - говорит Салмин.
Аналитик консалтинговой компании SV Development Сергей Костецкий приводит в пример подобного "якоря". Представительство компании Samsung взяло в аренду 15 тыс. кв. м в новом офисном центре столицы - 101 Tower. Эксперты называют эту сделку крупнейшей на рынке офисной недвижимости Украины за всю его историю.
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Sunday, February 10, 2013
Цены продажи земельных участков в Киевской области. Изменения за неделю!
В составлении статистических данных участвовали земельные участки всех видов назначения - около 8787 предложений.
Самыми дешевыми оставались предложения по продаже участков в Переяслав-Хмельницком районе (в среднем $1046 за сотку), самые дорогие предложения по продаже земли выставлены в Киево-Святошинском районе Киевской области (в среднем $6489 за сотку).
Средняя цена продажи участков в Киевской области составила $2475 за сотку.
Цены на земельные участки в Киевской области
Барышевский район: средняя цена продажи $1137 за сотку.
Белоцерковский район: средняя цена продажи $1204 за сотку.
Бориспольский район: средняя цена продажи $4169 за сотку.
Бородянский район: средняя цена продажи $1916 за сотку.
Броварской район: средняя цена продажи $3039 за сотку.
Васильковский район: средняя цена продажи $2551 за сотку.
Вышгородский район: средняя цена продажи $2997 за сотку.
Иванковский район: средняя цена продажи $1093 за сотку.
Кагарлыкский район: средняя цена продажи $1483 за сотку.
Киево-Святошинский район: средняя цена продажи $6489 за сотку.
Макаровский район: средняя цена продажи $1805 за сотку.
Обуховский район: средняя цена продажи $4571 за сотку.
Переясляв-Хмельницкий район: средняя цена продажи $1046 за сотку.
Фастовский район: средняя цена продажи $1144 за сотку.
Все цены указаны по результатам общего количества предложений на рынке продажи земельных участков в Киевской области. Учитывались участки всех видов назначения: под садоводство, под застройку, ОСГ и т.д..
Участки в Киеве можно посмотреть здесь
Участков в Киевской области можно посмотреть здесь
Участки в Киевской области под застройку смотрите здесь
Предложения по продаже земли в других городах Украины здесь
Продам или куплю участок- разместить объявление
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Saturday, February 9, 2013
Proactol Reviews
Proactol reviews are exactly what the consumer needs to know that the product is real and it works like it should. They have not made any claims about the product that have not been proven to be true in clinical trials and by actual people taking the supplements.
People who have taken Proactol are living proof that the supplement works. This is because people who have taken Proactol have not made major changes with their food intake. Proactol is designed to work around the types of foods that you are eating and you will take a certain number of tablets based on your fat intake. That means if you are eating a meal that is high in fat then you will take more tablets after the meal then if you had eaten a meal that had less fat. The enzymes in Proactol work by blocking a large percentage of the fat intake in your meal by attaching themselves to the fat. By doing this, the fat cells are larger and they become too large for the body to absorb forcing the body to force the fat cells out naturally. When your body needs fat it will use what is on your body and not what you are taking in. This forces your body to burn excess fat on your body rather than gain extra weight. Therefore, dropping unwanted pounds by eating too much fat. The biggest benefit for some people is that they do not have to curb their eating habits too much.
Many people have stated in reviews that after taking Proactol that they are not as hungry as they usually are and they are finding themselves eating less and even skipping snacks that they normally would be eating. This is because Proactol contains enzymes that force the body to take longer to digest the food and this gives the person a feeling of being full longer. Therefore, shortly after a meal people are not looking for a snack because they still feel as if they just ate. This curbing of the appetite has been heard over and over by many happy people from taking Proactol as a weight loss supplement.
Another excellent benefits and proven thing that Proactol does is lower the cholesterol. Many people are at risk to heart disease and other medical problems caused by high cholesterol. Reviews have shown that people taking Proactol have shown a significant decrease in their cholesterol levels and they are living healthier lives. Some of these people are no longer at risk for cholesterol related problems and some people take Proactol for the lowering cholesterol benefit alone and not for the weight loss effects.
Proactol has had so many reviews from customers that have proven that the product stands for everything that it says. People are extremely happy with the results of the weight loss and the lowering of the cholesterol and they are healthier. Clinical trials have proven in reviews that Proactol does exactly as it says it will and there are no questions about it.
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Friday, February 8, 2013
Столицу превратят в сплошную парковку?!
По словам Погребняка, речь идет, прежде всего, о центральной части города, где таким образом можно увеличить количество парковочных мест, которых не хватает.
"Сейчас киевляне и гости столицы паркуются везде: на тротуарах, газонах, почти посреди проезжей части", - отметил Погребняк.
По словам Погребняка, в центре столицы трудно построить паркинги и расширить улицы для обустройства наземных парковок. Поэтому, рассматривается возможность об увеличении количества мест для остановки и парковки за счет уменьшения мест, где это запрещено.
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Стоимость аренды и продажи жилья в Киеве неуклонно падает
Как сообщила в своем исследовании консалтинговая компания SV Development (Киев), по средним показателям аренды жилья самым дешевым является Дарницкий район, где аренда однокомнатной квартиры за этот период снизилась на 1,16% – до $251 в месяц, двухкомнатной – на 1,14%, до $346 , а трехкомнатной не изменилась и осталась на уровне $447.
Самым дорогим для съема жилья традиционно является Печерский район столицы, где по средним показателям аренда однокомнатной квартиры за этот период подешевела на 0,45% и составила $406, двухкомнатной – на 0,33%, до $601, трехкомнатной – на 1,11% и составила $746.
По данным консалтинговой компании, средняя цена продажи 1-3 комнатных квартир на вторичном рынке недвижимости Киева за этот же период снизилась на 0,62% ($9) до 1505 долларов за 1 кв.м.
При этом самым дешевым оставался Дарницкий район, со средним показателем $1 086/кв.м., самым дорогим Печерский район, где средняя цена продажи составила $2568/кв.м.
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Thursday, February 7, 2013
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Причиной такого коллапса эксперты называют проблемы с ипотечным кредитованием. Как известно, в начале мая выдачу гривневой ипотеки фактически прекратили сразу три банка из первой двадцатки: УкрСиббанк, Райффайзен Банк Аваль и Укрсоцбанк, на чью долю в начале 2008 года приходилось 45,6% от всех выданных ипотечных кредитов.
Остальные банки установили очень высокие проценты. К примеру, в «Приватбанке» выдают ипотечные кредиты в гривне под 22,9% годовых, а в Уникредитбанке – под 25%. Немного лучше условия в банке "Финансы и Кредит", где ставка составляет 19,2%, и ОТП Банке - 18,2% годовых. Также значительно подорожали в последнее время ипотечные кредиты в валюте.
В результате, по данным группы компаний «Планета Оболонь», количество сделок с использованием заёмных средств сократилось с 62% в январе до 36% в апреле. Ситуация в мае ещё более усугубилась. Нынешнее состояние рынка недвижимости грозит обвалом цен, однако возможность такого поворота событий риелторы категорически отрицают.
«В агентствах практически полностью заморожены базовые финансовые потоки, ведь клиенты обращаются в агентство не просто с просьбой купить либо продать жилье, но и помочь с выдачей кредитов», - объясняет Владимир Степенко, маркетинг-директор компании SV Development.
По его словам, топ-менеджеры ведущих агентств недвижимости сейчас пытаются выйти из сложившейся ситуации путём личных договорённостей с руководителями подразделений в банках.
Понятно, что агентствам невыгодно пророчить самим себе обвал цен на недвижимость. Однако, практика свидетельствует, что «перегретый» рынок недвижимости сам не может долго удерживать цены. И, хотя это может вызвать резкое падение роста ВВП, цены на жилье неминуемо понизятся.
Вместе с тем эксперты прогнозируют, что из-за проблем с финансированием со строительного рынка могут уйти многие компании, калибром поменьше. «Они будут вынуждены перепродать свои строительные площадки другим, более крупным застройщикам», - резюмирует Владимир Степенко.
Украина – не Европа
Украине еще очень далеко до Европы с ее развитой инфраструктурой и «огромной» инфляцией в 3%. Для того, чтобы достигнуть такого уровня и у нас, банкам нужно вкладывать деньги в ЖКХ, агропромышленный сектор, дороги, энергетику и модернизацию отраслей промышленности, развивая их и делая устойчивыми к инфляционным колебаниям.
Но вместо этого, на протяжении нескольких последних лет банки активно занимались потребительским кредитированием, что сулит им гораздо более быструю прибыль.
В результате, теперь, когда Нацбанк борясь с инфляцией ужесточил подобный тип кредитов, банки стали резко испытывать нехватку свежих денежных вливаний, и фактически оказались на «голодном пайке».
И резко заговорили о несправедливости НБУ, который заставляет их повышать проценты по кредитам, пытаясь не допустить излишнего кредитования. Так и хочется спросить – а чем вы раньше думали, а?
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Квартиры во Львове подорожали! Изменения с 9 по 16 января 2012 года!
В составлении статистических данных участвовали одно-, двух-, трех-, четырехкомнатные квартиры во Львове, с учетом как первичного, так и вторичного рынка квартир Львова
Самыми дешевыми на этой неделе оставались предложения по продаже квартир в Сыхивском районе, по цене в среднем $1179/м2
Самые дорогие предложения выставлены в Галицком районе Львова по цене в среднем $1789/м2.
Средняя цена продажи квартир во Львове за неделю составила $1372/кв.м.
Цены на квартиры во Львове по районам
Недвижимость Львова
Квартиры во Львове
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Добавить объявление
Галицкий район: в среднем $1789/м2
Зализнычный район: в среднем $1273/кв.м.
Лычаковский район: в среднем $1319/кв.м.
Сыхивский район: в среднем $1179/кв.м.
Франковский район: в среднем $1425/кв.м.
Шевченковский район: в среднем $1248/кв.м.
Все цены указаны исходя из общего количества предложений портала на рынке квартир во Львове. Учитывались как первичный, так и вторичный рынок квартир Львова.
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Monday, February 4, 2013
Laugh Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure - No Kidding!
Ask yourself this question. Do we stop laughing because we get old, or do we get old because we stop laughing? Humor, and specifically laughing, has an amazing impact on our bodies' health. The bigger the belly laughs the better.
On a general level you probably already know that is better to laugh than not to laugh but do you know why? And how does laughter lower blood pressure exactly?
Laughing actually increases blood circulation, delivers oxygen and nutrients efficiently, helps the immune system, fights stress chemicals and allows the muscles to relax. Wow! All that from a simple guffaw?
Stress is a principal contributor to high blood pressure and laughter is an excellent antidote for stress. Aside from simply altering our mood for a moment making us feel better, laughter also reduces four stress related hormones, epinephrine, dopac, growth hormone and cortisol. Reducing these hormones reduces the amount of oxidation in the blood vessels which means less plaque.
In addition, laughter relaxes muscles. Those muscles not actually involved in the physical act of the laugh relax. The ones doing the laughing relax immediately after the laugh. Relaxed muscles make for less strain on the blood vessels reducing pressure.
And a good laugh can be internalized and relived. How many times have you thought back to a joke or humorous situation and chuckled to your self. Each time you so that your body is responding positively.
Two organs benefit the most from laughter; the heart and the lungs. A good belly laugh is like an aerobic exercise for your heart. No it's not the same as 30 minutes of walking, but for people who may not be able to exercise, it's a decent substitute. The lungs expel more air than they take in during a good laugh and this acts as a cleansing breathe. When the laughter is over, you will breathe deeper sending oxygen enriched blood to the body.
Did you know that people who laugh regularly, you know the type, everything is funny to them, have a lower standing blood pressure than those who don't? Like exercise, the blood pressure goes up during the laughter but then drops significantly after the laugh.
Okay, laughter by itself is not going to replace a good diet and regular exercise, but it can go a long way in improving your point of view and reducing stress. And that's not something to laugh about!
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Saturday, February 2, 2013
Why Most Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans Fail
The diet industry is booming as more and more people are deciding to conquer their obesity and lose weight. Everywhere you turn it seems there is some new quick weight loss diet plan popping up that claims to be the best way to lose weight.
Sure the promises of these programs sound great, but the truth is that most of these quick weight loss plans don't work for a number of different reasons. Many of the plans are too restrictive, make you eat foods you don't like, leave you feeling hungry and worst of all actually decrease your metabolism. This article will discuss some of the main reasons that most quick weight loss diet plans fail.
Probably the largest reason that most diet plans fail is simply that people don't stick with them. Most diet plans that promise quick weight loss restrict both the types of foods that you can eat and the number of calories that you can consume each day.
This can leave you feeling hungry and deprived and make it much easier to give in to cravings and wind up binging. For many people, if they binge or "cheat" on their diet once they feel they have blown the diet and give up on it all together.
Many diets don't allow you to eat the foods that you like, but instead force you to eat things that aren't appetizing or don't appeal to you. Again, because of this you can be left feeling either bored or deprived and wind up cheating on the diet.
One of the worst parts about most diets that promise quick weight loss is that they can actually decrease your metabolism and make it harder for you to lose weight. See, a lot of quick weight loss diet plans severely cut the number of calories that you consume each day.
To compensate for the decreased number of calories that you are taking in your metabolism automatically adjusts to run at a slower speed. Because of this it becomes more difficult to lose weight. Even worse, though, is that when you eventually do go off the diet and resume eating normally your metabolism will still be running at a slower speed until it has time to adjust back up to a normal level. That make it much easier to gain back any weight that you may have lost on the diet.
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Украинский суд защитил доллар
Это событие могло стать началом настоящего финансового переворота. Миллионы простых клиентов, выплачивающих кредиты, получили бы возможность плюнуть на свои долги. Сотни банков разорились бы, не помог бы ни НБУ, ни МВФ вместе взятые. Около 70% всех кредитов в банковской системе выдано в долларах – столько же могли недосчитаться банкиры.
Именно поэтому банк и должник начали настоящую войну – для каждого из них эта тяжба была вопросом не личным, а общественным. ВТБ Банк фактически защищал все финструктуры, донецкая гостиница «Централь» – всех валютных должников. Только в марте этого года стало известно, что команда должников в лице гостиницы «Централь» проиграла. Теперь гостиница переходит в собственность банка. Таковы суровые законы этой войны – победивший съедает проигравшего. Чтобы другим неповадно было и чтобы знали – пример с него брать нельзя.
Первый тайм – за должником
А начиналось все для должника довольно оптимистично. На его стороне выступил не только Хозяйственный суд Донецкой области, но и следующая инстанция – Донецкий апелляционный Хозяйственный суд. Аргументы юристов ВТБ Банка в этом суде сочли неубедительным. К тому времени о новой судебной практике еще не успели рассказать журналисты, но знали банкиры и юристы.
Со времени первого решения прошло около месяца. Хотя в Украине и нет так называемого «прецедентного права», однако пример этой тяжбы мог вдохновить многих. В октябре 2009-го, когда о процессе впервые написали в прессе, многие юристы прямо заявляли репортерам, что готовы последовать примеру отеля «Централь» и избавлять своих клиентов от валютных кредитов.
Банкиры потребовали свое
Увидев, что опасность только увеличивается, финансисты подключили тяжелую артиллерию. В ноябре 2009 года Нацбанк подал кассационную жалобу в Высший хозяйственный суд. Ведь решения донецких судов косвенно обвиняли НБУ – дескать, банк выдал валютный кредит, а нужно было до этого дать лицензию на валютную операцию и региональному филиалу банка, и самому должнику. Теперь выигрыш был на стороне банкиров – Высший хозяйственный суд отменил решения донецких судов и обязал должника вернуть деньги.
Однако это была еще не окончательная победа. Отменив решения региональных судов, ВХСУ, тем не менее, не принял нового, хотя и имел на это право. Теперь очередь была за донецкими судьями, которые уже дважды выступали на стороне должников.
Это перетягивание каната могло продолжаться еще долго. «Проблема не в том, что люди не платят, а в том, что некоторые клиенты просто не хотят платить», – говорит по этому поводу председатель правления ВТБ Банка Вадим Пушкарев. По его словам, в банк приходили даже люди с депутатскими значками и заявляли, что не собираются платить и знают, как это устроить.
Банкиры тоже, конечно, не ангелы. Многие из них повышали ставки по кредитам даже тем клиентам, которые исправно платят по своим долгам. Часто за счет увеличения поступлений от одних клиентов можно было покрыть снижение от неплатежей других. Но в этом случае нужно было воевать до конца. Как рассказывает Вадим Пушкарев, он и другие банкиры добились расширенного заседания с участием крупнейших финансистов страны и Василия Онопенко – председателя Верховного суда Украины.
Именно на этом совещании банкиры детально объяснили судьям, чем грозит экономике страны увеличение практики подобных решений. Банковская система рассыплется, как карточный домик, ведь клиенты получат вроде бы законное право не платить. Даже если весь вал таких исков банкиры смогут отбить и доказать свою правоту, клиенты все равно не платят по кредиту в те месяцы, когда идет тяжба. Одна эта задержка могла бы означать миллиардные убытки банковской системы, а с ней – и всей экономики страны.
Вадим Пушкарев не рассказал о реакции судей на аргументы банкиров. Но все достаточно ясно из последствий. «Сейчас мы выиграли все суды и переводим эту гостиницу в собственность банка», – подытожил Вадим Пушкарев. О новых подобных процессах пока никто в прессе не сообщал.
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013
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Friday, January 25, 2013
Natural Remedies For Hypertension Patients
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force of blood flowing against the walls of the arteries. This pressure is constantly changing during the course of the heart related cycle. The highest pressure in the cycle is called the systolic, while the lowest is the diastolic. Both pressure readings are necessary to enable a health practitioner to evaluate the status of a patient's blood pressure. Many factors such as physical activity, time of day etc can influence one's blood pressure, for example, it is typically low in the morning and increases from the afternoon to the evening, and it is lower in the summer and higher in the winter.
High blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension means high pressure (strain) in the arteries. Arteries are tubes that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. Veins carry used blood from the organs and tissues back to the heart for recycling. If arteries become narrowed by one or more of several reasons, then the pressure of blood flow within the tubes that carry blood increases. The heart is therefore made to work harder to ensure that fresh and recycled blood is pumped to every organ of the body.
According to medical science the word "hypertension" or "arterial hypertension", by itself, normally refers to increased pressure of blood passing through the entire arteries of the whole body. In order words the normal pumping pressure of blood through the body is in a way "hyped". The opposite of it is called "normotensive".
The American Heart Association estimates high blood pressure affects approximately one in three adults in the United States - 73 million people. High blood pressure is also estimated to affect about two million American teens and children, and the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that many are under-diagnosed. Hypertension is clearly a major public health problem.
Damage to the heart and blood vessels may occur if the condition remains unchecked, increasing the risk for stroke (brain damage), heart attack, kidney or heart (cardiac) failure, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), and eye damage. Hypertension is often called the "silent killer," because it often shows no symptoms until it reaches a life-threatening stage.
High blood pressure does not necessarily mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase it. Hypertension can be classified as either essential (primary) or secondary. Essential or primary hypertension means that no medical cause can be found to explain the raised blood pressure. It is common. About 90-95% of hypertension is essential hypertension. Secondary hypertension indicates that the high blood pressure is a result of (i.e., secondary to) another condition, such as kidney disease or tumors
Primary hypertension has no symptoms until complications develop. Symptoms and signs are not specific and arise from complications in some target organs. Dizziness, flushed facial appearance, headaches, fatigue, nose bleeding and nervousness might be some symptoms that might trigger a suspicion.
Medication applied by most physicians only work to reduce the level of pressure, without dealing with the cause of the problem, and is often prolonged. More like giving a patient with a broken bone, painkillers to relieve his suffering without setting the bones to heal. The best approach really is to have the patient start a program of mild exercising which will break sweat, proper dieting and stress control. Generally speaking while the patient monitors his own blood pressure on a daily basis, he should reinforce those activities which lead to drops in in it and refrain from indulgences which aggravate it.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Natural Hypertension Cures - 5 Reasons Why Natural is Better Than Drugs
Hypertension in your body is a perfectly natural response to unnatural stimuli. If you were a blood vessel, it's exactly how you would react. The fact is that high blood pressure is called "the silent killer" because it is a disease that doesn't make you feel any worse until you just, finally, die from its effects. Consider high blood pressure natural treatment - fight disease with health! There are natural cures for high blood pressure. Here are 5 reasons you might want to consider natural hypertension treatment.
1. With some drugs, you can decide whether your symptoms are a heart attack or just side effects. Some "healing" drugs have published side effects such as rapid heart rate, palpitations, heartburn or irregular heart beat.
2. You'll honestly have the "Not tonight, honey, I've got a headache" syndrome. A headache or dizziness may be considered mild side effects to some, but I would not pay for nor invite these ailments to my house (neither would I want the diminished sex drive and/or inability to be intimate).
3. You won't need to catch a cold to feel lousy all year. Other medicines cause a stuffy nose, loss of taste, severe dryness of the mouth, fever, and a dry hacking, chronic cough. Nothing says "stay away from me" much like a hacking, lung-displacing all day cough. Wouldn't any of these symptoms so far motivate you to try a high blood pressure natural treatment?
4. "I'm melting, I'm melting..." You'll feel like you're melting and fading away with the side effects of feeling weak or faint, dizziness, weak muscles, depression and extreme fatigue. Of course, a lot of that fatigue could be caused by the insomnia side effect of some pills - or the recurring nightmares.
5. High blood pressure medicine side effect will make you feel swell! You may have swelling around the eyes, swollen ankles (which you can study as you suffer from the side effect of constipation), and swollen and sore joints.
If you are currently taking any medication, don't stop without consulting with your physician. Natural cures for high blood pressure may present a much better and healthier lifestyle, but the transition from meds to natural is best carried out in partnership with a health professional.